
合一教育集團成功收購Studio Language Courses(Cambridge)Ltd。

Studio Cambridge,劍橋英文書院成立於1954年,是英國歷史最悠久,最成功的英語語言學校之一。主校區位於劍橋中心的Station Road,為成人和青少年提供全年英語課程。書院更是英國最具聲譽的夏令營運營者之一,目前共設有8個夏令營營地包括:
• 劍橋大學的紐納姆學院(Newnham College)、露西-卡文迪許學院(Lucy Cavendish College)和瑞德里學院(Ridley Hall College)
• 歷史悠久的國王伊利學校(King’s Ely School)
• 位於劍橋的赫斯路高中 (Hills Road Sixth Form College)
• 位於倫敦的美國國際大學(The American International University in Richmond-upon-Thames)
• 位於雷丁的禮敦公園學校(Leighton Park School in Reading)
• 位於畢斯托福德的弘克利英歐學院 (Hockerill Anglo-European Colldge at Bishop’s Stortford)。

作為雅思和劍橋考試中心,英國簽證及移民局第四層級學生簽證授權方(Tier 4 sponsor),劍橋英文書院獲得英國文化協會和獨立學校監察局(ISI)認證,是英國國家英語協會創始成員。





在劉延東副總理帶領下的中英高級別人文交流機制第五次會議期間,合一教育集團與英國聖比斯公學完成戰略合作協議的簽署。英國教育部國務大臣Nick Gibb、英國國際貿易部常務次官Antonia Romeo以及100多位中英兩國的貴賓到場見證,標誌著兩國在教育領域合作從深度和廣度上都達到了一個新的階段。




英國首相特蕾莎·梅(Theresa May)2018年1月31日起正式展開3天的訪華之旅。在此之前,她曾稱此行可打造兩國新的“黃金時代”,並提出希望達成的目標是:先與中國加強教育聯繫,並促進兩國商貿,達成貿易協議。和其他西方國家與中國的貿易模式不同,教育已成為中英貿易中與金融、醫療保健、保險行業同等重要的關鍵領域。

2月2日,特蕾莎·梅出席了在上海舉辦的中英商業論壇。合一教育集團有幸在此兩國重要的會議上,在英國國際貿易部部長Liam Fox的見證下,與英國聖比斯公學完成戰略合作協議的簽署儀式。與其他許多教育行業的投資者不同,合一教育不僅僅是把中國學生送到海外,或是把一所國外的學校複製到中國,合一教育研發了一套獨特的教育體系– 融合課程體系,並且將於2018年秋季開學時正式在擁有432年曆史的英國聖比斯公學實行。融合課程的教育模式汲取了中西方教育元素的精華。來自世界各國的學生都將學習中文和中國文化,以及用中國的教學方法學習數學。同時,西方的教育理念和教學方式也將被運用到其他的課程當中。合一教育集團將在中國設立聖比斯公學的雙校區,實現教師和學生在兩國和兩校之間的自由流動。合一教育的願景是在中英兩國建立更多的融合學校,讓國際教育能夠達到一個新的高度。





  • 深圳市石岩公學
  • 深圳市福田區福民小學
  • 深圳市明德學校
  • 深圳市龍華區同勝學校
  • 深圳中學龍崗初級中學
  • 南山二外(集團)海德學校
  • 深圳市龍華區實驗學校









考研活動期間,來自英國杜倫大學的Lynn Thompson副教授與汪宇倩副教授分別與7所東道主學校針對中英教學體系、師資建設、課程教材、考試考核,全科教學等領域進行了深入的探討。


由合一教育集團主持的總結大會上,Lynn Thompson副教授稱讚此次活動幫助中英兩國的教師在真正意義上全面深入地了解兩國中小學教學的各自優勢,為兩國教育的創新及深度合作提供了堅實的基礎。福民小學校長王珂代表參與此次活動的學校表示,教育國際化已不僅僅是停留在引進外籍教師、開展交流活動。更是教育理念、文化背景、課程建設等深層次的交流,及跨國的合作。中方學校深感此次活動所提供的寶貴機會,並對所取得的教學成果及收穫給予極高的肯定。


展望未來,隨著中英兩國在教育領域的合作進一步加深,融合教育正逐步成為一個新興的教育發展及研究領域。傳統的雙語教學已經無法滿足未來世界型人才的培養目標。融合教育將東西方優秀的教育理念和文化融會貫通,打造出一套創新的課程和學校特色, 賦予學生們國際文化理解力和全球視野。













AGS(Adventurous Global Schools)冒險慈善基金是在香港註冊的慈善機構,由Adventurous團隊創立於2015年,致力於為世界品論地區提供優質教育。 Adventurous冒險教育團隊認為教育是世界性的,不分地域和家庭背景,所以2015年開始在柬埔寨馬德望省Snoeung村中心建了第一所AGS學校,2017年7月15日迎來開幕典禮,這意味這學校正式投入使用。


馬德望省的副省長、NGO(非政府盈利組織)PTD(PTEA TEUK DONG)董事會長HE Chuonh Sochhay以及執行理事Mr. Bun Tityarith, AGS慈善機構主席Danny Wang,香港OOA東西建築創辦人、也是AGS學校的建築師Mr. Kenrick Wong和Magic Kwan發表了講話。


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馬德望副省長為Adventurous 團隊頒發感謝狀

AGS主席Danny wang發表講話說,這一天我們團隊等了2年,歷經很多努力終於建成,謝謝Snoeung村村名的信任可以讓我們覺得所做的有意義,Danny說他媽媽小學2年級,爸爸小學5年級畢業讓他有動力去發起建設慈善學校,他認為教育以及改變了很多人的命運,他希望在世界貧窮的地方的孩子可以有個好的學習的環境,如今Snoeung村孩子可以在AGS學校就近上學,謝謝Snoeung村的村民們的支持讓我們所做的有意義。我們也希望接下來可以建更多的學校,並鼓勵更年輕一代可以勇於有夢想,可以無限去想像!

AGS主席Danny Wang發表講話

AGS學校設計師Kenrick Wong, Magic Kwan 介紹了學校的結構,AGS學校的整體設計結合西方現代建築和傳統東南亞地方建築的特色,也同時間實踐了新陳代謝(Metabolist)的建築理念,譬如格子牆以及自由組合牆,孩子們也當它為遊樂場和自由組合教室空間,AGS學校可以容納約120個學生,目前已經開學了,已有120個學生報名,近半年是學校的試學期,期待這個建築模式可以發展到全世界的村落,可以將建築和教學結合,創出新的學習空間模式。







學校的建築之一Magic Kwan在開幕式上說當看到AGS還沒建成的時候,看到孩子興奮地上下爬,滿臉地期待,我們的願景已達成。夜晚的AGS學校開燈後如星星閃爍在村莊里,願星星之光,可以照亮一隅之地。




“Elites Talk” 採訪合一教育學術總監Roger Sinnett

St Bees School announces their ‘global vision’ for the future

Posted by Ken Powell to Egremont2day on April 22, 2017

DSC_0038-768x432Mark George opening the St Bees School Presentation (Photo: D K Powell)

The Board of Governors at St Bees School today revealed the details of their ‘global vision’ for the school just a few weeks after announcing plans to reopen in September 2018.

The presentation was given to a select audience, which included local politicians and other dignitaries, before the Board opened up the school to the general public in the afternoon. The vision, in a nutshell, was presented as ‘a high quality global school brand preparing local students for the international world’ and the opportunity to partner with an international education company arose in the first place thanks to the intervention of a former pupil at the school.

Chairman, Mark George, opened the presentation this morning telling the story of how St Bees School came to partner with the Chinese Education company ‘Full Circle’ saying it was like “a courtship, a marriage and then a first child.” Mr George explained that after finding the visions of both sides ‘closely aligned’ they entered into a ‘mutually exclusive courtship’ while negotiations continued and ‘married’ five weeks ago when they signed an agreement. The ‘first child’, Mr George was clearly excited to reveal, was that the board had appointed the new headmaster for the school yesterday.

Mr George handed over to Full Circle managing director, Danny Wang, who presented the core values and history of the company involvement in global education. Mr Wang told the audience that this venture with St Bees School was “unique to my family and Full Circle.” Later, Mr Wang spoke to E2D and said more about his motivation for getting involved in the school. “My mother can’t read or write,” he explained adding that though his parents built up a large business from scratch, they did not receive a proper education in China but made sure their children did. Mr Wang, while he was at university at Cambridge, could see how gaps in the Chinese education system as well those in the British system could be closed by merging the best of both. “This is an opportunity to improve worldwide education,” he told E2D. The company first invested in a school in China 20 years ago (one of the first to do so in the country) and have continued to partner with schools to improve educational opportunities for children around the world.

Director of Education for Full Circle, Roger Sinnett, presented to the audience more detail about how this ‘fusion’ would work. Students will come from both the UK and China working with dual curriculums which will, in time, allow students to spend time in different schools if desired and still be able to drop back into their home education system after a period abroad. He saw St Bees school as “working to bring the community and school much closer together” explaining that he saw the school “giving to the community.” He stressed that the ethical underpinning of the school would be to achieve both academic attainment and character development in students for ‘success in life’ .

The story of how Full Circle and the Board of Governors came to be introduced seemed to touch the hearts of parents of former students at the school and other locals. Mark George told the audience that it was a former student, Laurence Gribble, who got in touch to ask for news about the school. He met Danny Wang while they were both studying at Cambridge University and then embarked on an impressive 9-month cycle ride for charity from London to Hong Kong. It was at the Chinese side that the two got together and discussions about St Bees began before Laurence Gribble got in touch with Mark George.

There was opportunity to ask questions after the presentation which the audience lost no time in using. One of the key concerns was that the current plans would be financially viable while not excluding local children from taking part. Mr George explained that bursaries and scholarships for UK children “have been costed in already” to make sure that the issues which led to the closure of the school two years ago would not happen again. Later, talking to E2D, he said that Full Circle (also known as Shenzhen International) was committed to supporting the school financially for many years to come. “We want this school here for another 432 years,” he said, referencing the long history of the school which was founded by Archbishop Grindal in 1583.


Mayor impressed by St Bees School plans

ST Bees School can become “one of the pre-eminent independent schools in the north,” says Copeland’s mayor.

Mike Starkie was speaking after being invited to an open day to hear more about the plans for the historic school in September 2018.

Mr Starkie said: “I was very impressed with the plans to reopen the school.

“I believe St Bees School can come back stronger than ever, and become one of the pre-eminent independent schools in the north.

“It is a unique selling point to attract students from all over the world, and provide an independent alternative for local families.”

Mr Starkie added: “The governors and investors have come together to create an innovative and exiting future for independent education and St Bees School will once again become a huge asset to Copeland and will play an important role in attracting professional people to live and work in the area.”